
The Porvoo Administration Building, copper and aluminum, partly painted.

Sunbow was commissioned by the Government.
It hangs in the lobby of the tax office at the Administrative Building. The work traverses the space diagonally the installation - boards forming the shape of a bow is viewed from below, from different angles. When compared to the reliefs at the Kerava Church, it can be said that whereas Resurrection concentrates on resignation, Sunbow embodies the dynamics of being reborn ."I wished to create a sacral work of art for a site where visitors are worn down by practical, material worries. When glancing up, one can innocently experience something greater; an aesthetic, liberating sensation." The work sums up everything that came before it; it strives towards an uncompromising, absolute solution. The work also captures a sentimental interest in and sympathy towards Native American cultures. Thus the title. The warm colors of the sun, symbols of life and fertility, the bow as part of the circular sun.




The Porvoo Administration Building, copper and aluminum, partly painted.

Viewed from the other direction.



Living Light

Kerava Parish Hall, stainless steel

Resurrection, Kerava Church, pine
The work is part of a series of wooden reliefs. From the surface fises a wave, cutting itself loose inta adelicate, wing-like shape on ly to disappear again inta the still surface. The solemnity of the movement shows maTe freedom and dynamism than churchly fundamentalism. The movement opens up and disappears inta the heights. The artist does not take a stand on where Resurrection leads, hut her interpretation indicates she does consider resurrection possible as such. The work of art evokes seren ity, hut does not preach.



Kerava Church, pine

The work is part of a series of wooden reliefs. From the surface fises a wave, cutting itself loose inta adelicate, wing-like shape on ly to disappear again inta the still surface. The solemnity of the movement shows maTe freedom and dynamism than church!y fundamentalism. The movement opens up and disappears inta the heights. The artist does not take a stand on where Resurrection leads, hut her interpretation indicates she does consider resurrection possible as such. The work of art evokes serenity, hut does not preach.

Touch of ice

After working with wood and metal for several years, Auli Korhonen tack up a new material: glass. Attraction is a sculpture made from cut and piled green glass plates. The movement of light in the material is of central interest.ln Korhonen's earlier works, the movement was upwards and outwards reaching for the universe, while Attraction sucks the viewer in itself. Its dynamics are concerned with experiencing the depths that light penetrates. Strength and physical essence are new elements in Korhonen's glass works. This could imply that the spirituality of her former reliefs and the return to the period of self-portraits are closely combined in them. The works give rhythm to the gravity that generates life in the prime sea. However, reflection and thought are clearly manifested. Primitive strength is not running wild in its shapes hut the work has its own distinct logic. It is controlled. The artist's way of thinking and the inner strength of the material create a tension within the work; they attract each other.

Series of glas sculptures.

Glas and tree


Glas, Keramic

Arthur Andersen Stockholm 2000

Unity- Trinity

Kerava Church, glass and granit

The pillar, belonging to the Touch of Ice series, is a narrow glass pillar, where light is diffused into a spectrum. Thus is form ed a work of art the core of which is matter, hut the entity encompassing also the field of light that is reflected around it; Space, as it were. A concrete example of how the invisible becomes perceptible. Nature's own transformation. The exploration of such borderline surfaces where violent, visible changes appear has always fascinated Auli Korhonen. In the same way she ap- proaches the human body: like a reflecting surface for emotions. Or the state of deep silence as the borderline surface between the universal and the individual.


Soturinlinna Private Residence. Kulosaari, glass and Mäntsälä Red Granit

Adelphi is the work of art dedicated to the three sons of Mr Markku Laine The title as weil as the pyramid shape of the work allude to the three brothers The work has a definite outline. yet interacts with its surroundings. The sculpture changes following the changes in light at different times of day and night. The glass peak captures the rays of the sun and reflects them into the eye of the beholder in ways depending on the angle and the time of day The work differs from traditional outdoors sculptures
in that it lives in a symbiosis with its surroundings and is created by this interaction.



Model for the sculpture



Private residence Portugal 2002.



The bodyenables physical experience. It is also an interface to bot h intellectual and physical stimuli. During one of her artistic periods Auli Korhonen wanted to combine different states and levels of human existence. The body and mind, consciousness, feelings and intellect are in a continuous interaction with each other forming an entity.
Deepening one's mental experiences and refining the senses lead to an insight of the connection between the physical and intellectual worlds that form an entity, a unity. A series of self-portraits was produced: nudes where the human body, tense like a tightened spring, rests between space and matter.
The large paintings study the basic elements of nature, the harmony of cosmic building
blocks through the body. The artist respects her object and makes it into a temple. Thus, the conscious experiences of silence and the perceptions of the body merge and expand to cover the entire scope of human existence.


Falling into Hight

Kerava Art Museum

Installation with video and water


The Levitation Temple

Stoa Gallery, Helsinki


Glas sculputre

Glas sculpture


Glas sculpture


Glas sculpture

The Pilgrimits

The Kerava Church






Kerava Church

Relief, whitened pine tree



Living light

Kerava Parish Hall


Living Light

Kerava Parish Hall


The Brick relief

The School for Beauty treatment, Helsinki



Brick relief

The Malmi Shopping Center, Helsinki



Sun Spirit

Wäinö Aaltonen Museum



Model for Permanent installation


Flow of Life


TM Gallery, Helsinki



Flow of Life

The Temple

The Helsinki Art Hall



TM Gallery





Installation- performance with dancer Tiina Lindfors


Transcendental- Physical

Series of Self portrait

Acrylic on canvas


Air- Space

Series of Self portrait

Acrylic on canvas


The Flow of Light

Gallery BellArte, Helsinki



The Eye of God

Gallery BellArte





The Flow of Light



Gallery BellArte, Helsinki


The Streams

Huopalahti Parish Hall


Ceramic Sculptures

Behind the Seven Seas

Ceramic sculpture



Oil and tempera on canvas


Terra, Mother Earth

Helsinki Art Hall

Installation in iron and white sand


Self portrait

oil on canvas


Arctic Meditation



Performance on the field

Poly Art


Fresco painting in process






Kajaani Art Museum


The Artist´s studio in Helsinki


The Sculputre at the Entrance

Soturinlinna Residence


The Sculpture at the Entrance

Soturinlinna Residence



Private Residence

Nazare´ Portugal

Stone, glas and light




Glas paintigs

Private Residence